Si eres una mujer fuerte, ágil, deportista, independiente, valiente, astuta, te encanta la naturaleza y tus seres queridos son lo más importante en tu vida...Entonces estos outfits inspirados en Katniss Everdeen son para ti... ¿Estás lista para convertirte en la nueva y más trendy "chica en llamas"? 😉If you are a strong, agile, athletic, independent, brave, cunning woman, you love nature and your loved ones are the most important thing in your life ... Then these outfits inspired in Katniss Everdeen are for ya ... Are U ready to become the new and trendiest "girl on fire"? 😉
Vestuarista:Judianna Makovsky
Datos curiosos: De acuerdo con Makovsky, el vestuario de Katniss y todos los habitantes del Distrito 12, se inspiró en los mineros de los años 50, para darle un toque muy estadounidense, asimismo, los colores que decidieron utilizarse, cual uniforme, fueron gris y azul para evocar un clima frío y una atmósfera nostálgica. Por otro lado, el vestuario de la gente en el Capitolio, combina la estética de los años 30 con la fantasía del siglo XVIII, también se inspiró en los diseños de la italiana Elsa Schiaparelli (ya que consideró que eran "humorísticos", hermosos y llamativos) y en la arquitectura italiana fascista (por ser considerada imponente). Makovsky también explicó que los adornos en la ropa (como las flores gigantes y los volantes), de estas personas malévolas y frívolas (que aman ver cómo los niños se matan entre sí), de hecho simbolizan irónicamente, el encubrimiento de su propia crueldad, es decir que bajo tanta belleza artificial, sólo tratan de "ocultar" su verdadera naturaleza maligna...Además la vestuarista añadió que, con fin de realzar esta extraña mezcla entre lo tétrico y lo estético, decidió dejar a todos estos personajes, extra empolvados del rostro y sin cejas.
¡Qué tal!
¿Por qué Katniss?: El "Sinsajo" es uno de mis personajes predilectos de la literatura y el cine, es una mujer que reinventó el término "Influencer"... Pues ella se convirtió en un modelo a seguir para las masas sin siquiera desearlo o buscarlo, simplemente lo consigue siendo ella misma, una mujer llena de valores: valentia, nobleza, sencillez, humildad, amabilidad y empatía; asimismo su increíble destreza, agilidad, astucia, fortaleza física y mental le sumaron aún más admiradores...Sin duda es toda una líder.
Costume Designer: Judianna Makovsky
Fun facts: According to Makovsky, the wardrobe of Katniss and all the inhabitants of District 12, was inspired by the miners of the 50s, to give it a very American touch, also, the colors that they decided to use, as a uniform, were gray and blue to evoke cold weather and a nostalgic atmosphere. On the other hand, the costumes of the people in the Capitol, combined the aesthetics of the 30s with the fantasy of the 18th century, this garments also were inspired by the designs of the Italian Elsa Schiaparelli (since she considered them to be "funny", beautiful and striking) and fascist Italian architecture (for being considered imposing). Makovsky also explained that the ornaments on the clothes (such as giant flowers and ruffles), of these malevolent and frivolous people (who love to see how children kill each other), in fact ironically symbolize, the cover-up of their own cruelty, in other words that under so much artificial beauty, they are only trying to "hide" their true evil nature ... The costume designer added that, in order to enhance this strange mixture between the disturbing and the garnishee, she decided to leave all these characters, extra powdered and without any eyebrows. 😱 WTF!
Why Katniss ?: The "Mockingjay" is one of my favorite characters in literature and cinema, she is a woman who reinvented the term "Influencer" ... Well, she became a role model for the masses without even wanting it or looking for it, she simply achieves it by being herself, a woman full of values: courage, nobility, simplicity, humility, kindness and empathy; also her incredible dexterity, agility, cunning, physical and mental strength added her even more fans ... Without a doubt, she is a true leader. 💪👊
Fun facts: According to Makovsky, the wardrobe of Katniss and all the inhabitants of District 12, was inspired by the miners of the 50s, to give it a very American touch, also, the colors that they decided to use, as a uniform, were gray and blue to evoke cold weather and a nostalgic atmosphere. On the other hand, the costumes of the people in the Capitol, combined the aesthetics of the 30s with the fantasy of the 18th century, this garments also were inspired by the designs of the Italian Elsa Schiaparelli (since she considered them to be "funny", beautiful and striking) and fascist Italian architecture (for being considered imposing). Makovsky also explained that the ornaments on the clothes (such as giant flowers and ruffles), of these malevolent and frivolous people (who love to see how children kill each other), in fact ironically symbolize, the cover-up of their own cruelty, in other words that under so much artificial beauty, they are only trying to "hide" their true evil nature ... The costume designer added that, in order to enhance this strange mixture between the disturbing and the garnishee, she decided to leave all these characters, extra powdered and without any eyebrows. 😱 WTF!
Why Katniss ?: The "Mockingjay" is one of my favorite characters in literature and cinema, she is a woman who reinvented the term "Influencer" ... Well, she became a role model for the masses without even wanting it or looking for it, she simply achieves it by being herself, a woman full of values: courage, nobility, simplicity, humility, kindness and empathy; also her incredible dexterity, agility, cunning, physical and mental strength added her even more fans ... Without a doubt, she is a true leader. 💪👊
Outfit 1: Katniss cazadora en el
Distrito 12
-Chamarra negra ceñida de mezclilla
Estilo: Girly-trendy-casual
Cuándo usarlo: Reunión familiar, salida a comer o cenar con amig@s a un lugar informal, cita casual con tu crush, para el trabajo un viernes casual.
y piel sintética
-Playera negra manga larga
-Culotte negro elástico
-Caletas largas
-Botas miel de piel sintética
Outfit 1: Hunter Katniss in District 12
Style: Girly-trendy-casualWhen to wear it: Family reunion, day or night out for lunch or dinner with your crew in an informal place, casual date with your crush.
-Black denim jacket with some faux leather
-Long sleeve black t-shirt
-Elastic black culotte
-Long socks
-Honey faux leather boots
When to use it: Evening event, night out to a bar or club.
This Outfit is based on layering (layers):
-For the first layer, use an elastic and thin black bodysuit or shirt with long sleeves and a high or turtle neck (if it is thermal better).
-In the second layer, use a black short-sleeved blouse with small shoulder pads, rhinestones and fringes on the shoulders, if you don't have it, don't worry, just look for a blouse that highlights the shoulders in some cool way to get the 'armor' style of the original outfit.
-The third and last layer is faux leather, black strapless top with a heart cleavage and peplum.
-Black or navy blue tight-fitting cargo pants.
-Ankle boots with black laces and heels
-Elastic black culotte
-Long socks
-Honey faux leather boots
-Ojos con sombra café y dorada; comienza pintando el párpado móvil con café obscuro y luego realiza un tipo smokey eye con tonos dorados, difumínalo bien.
-Mejillas con un toque dorado
-Labios con bálsamo transparente
Aplica de 1 a 2 capas de rímel para mantenerlo lo más natural posible
-Eyes with brown and gold shade; Start by painting the mobile eyelid with dark brown and then make a smokey eye with golden tones, blend it well.
-Cheeks with a golden touch
-Lips with transparent balm
Apply 1 to 2 layers of mascara to keep it as natural as possible
-Eyes with brown and gold shade; Start by painting the mobile eyelid with dark brown and then make a smokey eye with golden tones, blend it well.
-Cheeks with a golden touch
-Lips with transparent balm
Apply 1 to 2 layers of mascara to keep it as natural as possible
-Earcuff Dorado
-Mochila café con negro tipo piel
-Trenza francesa lateral
-Golden Earcuff
-Faux leather brown & black backpack
-Side French braid
-Golden Earcuff
-Faux leather brown & black backpack
-Side French braid
Outfit 2: Katniss en la Arena
Estilo: Sporty-urbano
Cuándo usarlo: Evento (fiesta) en áreas verdes o en medio de la naturaleza. Salida con amig@s a un lugar divertido.
-Chamarra negra tipo impermeable con gorrito (Consigue una similar en Suburbia)
-Sudadera deportiva con cierre rosa neón.
-Short negro corto
-Medias negras con gris estampadas
-Botines negros de tacón
Outfit 2: Katniss in the Arena
Style: urban-sporty
When to wear it: Event (party) in open areas or in the middle of nature. Day out with your pals to a fun place.
-Black waterproof jacket with hoodie
-Neon pink sports sweatshirt with zipper
-Short black shorts
-Black & gray printed tights
-Black ankle boots
Style: urban-sporty
When to wear it: Event (party) in open areas or in the middle of nature. Day out with your pals to a fun place.
-Black waterproof jacket with hoodie
-Neon pink sports sweatshirt with zipper
-Short black shorts
-Black & gray printed tights
-Black ankle boots
-Realiza un cat eye fino en negro, luego con un delineador rosa neón, traza una fina línea justo por debajo de la terminación o colita del cat eye negro y asegúrate de que quede más prolongada; aplica de 1 a 2 capas de rímel.
-Make a fine black cat eye, then with a neon pink eyeliner, draw a fine line just below the end or tail of the black cat eye and make sure it is longer; apply 1-2 layers of mascara.
-Make a fine black cat eye, then with a neon pink eyeliner, draw a fine line just below the end or tail of the black cat eye and make sure it is longer; apply 1-2 layers of mascara.
-Natural cheeks and lips with balm
-Earcuff Dorado
-Mochila negra deportiva de un tirante
-Golden Earcuff
-Sporty black backpack with a strap
-Golden Earcuff
-Sporty black backpack with a strap
-Esta propuesta mía es una mezcla entre la famosa trenza francesa de lado de Katniss con un estilo más urbano:
Comienza realizando el trenzado francés en la cabeza, justo cuando vayas por la mitad del cabello (es decir de medios a puntas) coloca una liga y deja el resto suelto; luego divídelo en 3 secciones iguales y realiza 3 trenzas normales muy finas, amárralas con ligas y listo.
-This idea of mine is a mix between Katniss's famous French side braid with a more urban style:
Begin by doing the French braiding on the head, just when you go through the middle of the hair (that is, from the middle to the ends), tie it with a rubber band, and leave the rest loose; then divide it into 3 equal sections and make 3 very fine normal braids, tie them too and voila.
-This idea of mine is a mix between Katniss's famous French side braid with a more urban style:
Begin by doing the French braiding on the head, just when you go through the middle of the hair (that is, from the middle to the ends), tie it with a rubber band, and leave the rest loose; then divide it into 3 equal sections and make 3 very fine normal braids, tie them too and voila.
Outfit 3: Katniss Sinsajo
Estilo: Trendy-sporty-urbano
Cuándo usarlo: Evento nocturno, salida a un bar o club.
Este Outfit se basa en el layering (capas):
-Para la primera capa utiliza un body o playera negra elástica y delgada de manga larga y cuello alto o de tortuga (si es térmico mejor).
-En la segunda capa utiliza una blusa de manga corta negra con pequeñas hombreras, pedrería y flequillos en los hombros, si no la tienes, no te preocupes únicamente busca alguna blusa que destaque los hombros de alguna forma cool para lograr el estilo 'armadura' del outfit original.
-La tercera y última capa es un top negro de escote en corazón, strapless con peplum de piel sintética.
-Pantalones negros o azul marino ceñidos tipo cargo.
-Botines con agujetas negros y de tacón
Outfit 3: Katniss Mockingjay
Style: Urban-sporty-trendyWhen to use it: Evening event, night out to a bar or club.
This Outfit is based on layering (layers):
-For the first layer, use an elastic and thin black bodysuit or shirt with long sleeves and a high or turtle neck (if it is thermal better).
-In the second layer, use a black short-sleeved blouse with small shoulder pads, rhinestones and fringes on the shoulders, if you don't have it, don't worry, just look for a blouse that highlights the shoulders in some cool way to get the 'armor' style of the original outfit.
-The third and last layer is faux leather, black strapless top with a heart cleavage and peplum.
-Black or navy blue tight-fitting cargo pants.
-Ankle boots with black laces and heels
-Aplica sombra gris ligera en el párpado móvil y delinea con negro ligeramente la línea inferior de las pestañas; aplica de 1 a 2 capas de rímel.
-Mejillas y labios naturales
-Apply gray shadow to the mobile eyelid and lightly outline the lower lash line; apply 1-2 coats of mascara.
-Natural cheeks and lips
-Apply gray shadow to the mobile eyelid and lightly outline the lower lash line; apply 1-2 coats of mascara.
-Natural cheeks and lips
-Anillo de mariposa negra (si tienes uno de Sinsajo mejor
-Earcuff dorado
-Mochila negra semi-brillosa "elegante" con detalles metálicos
Trenza francesa lateral
-Black butterfly ring (if you have a Mockingjay better 👍)
-Black butterfly ring (if you have a Mockingjay better 👍)
-Golden earcuff
-Shinny black and "fancy" backpack with metallic details
Side French Braid
-Shinny black and "fancy" backpack with metallic details
Side French Braid
*Si por fortuna tienes un pin de Sinsajo o cualquier joya con este genial símbolo OVBIIII úsalo con cualquiera de estos looks!! ![😁](
* If luckily you have a Mockingjay pin or any jewel with this great symbol, use it with any of these looks !! 😀👌
Ahora que estás hecha toda una "cazadora" (de tendencias) sal a la "arena" de la vida y "juega con toda la actitud"...y ya sabes... "Felices Juegos del hambre y que la suerte esté siempre de tu lado". 😉👊
Now that you are quite a "hunter" (of trends), go out to the "arena" of life and "play with all the attitude" ... and you know ... "Happy Hunger Games and may the odss be ever on your favor". 😉👊
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